Norwegian – Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce is growing, at the end of the year we had 102 members and 20 GOLD members!
Thank you all members for your time last week during the Annual General Meeting and New Members Welcome of the NLCC.
Great welcome by the Norwegian ambassador H.E. Ole T. Horpestad! We are trully thankful for The Norvegijos ambasada Lietuvoje – Norwegian Embassy in Lithuania for the support and strong partnership “TEAM NORWAY”.
Biggest Welcome to our newly joined members: The British School of Vilnius, Colliers Lietuva, Town Projects, Atea Lietuva. Looking forward for our collaboration!
We have reviewed the NLCC’s accomplishments over the past year and set its direction for 2024!Thank you for 6 fantastic years at NLCC to Stein Ove Sektnan who stept down from the Board.
Elected its new board member Giedrius Zilenas, the rest of the board we reelected: Almante Medziausiene, Gøran Skeie Ellingsen, Bjarne O.R Møller, Evelina Paulavičienė, Audrius Mackevicius, Ingolf Frostad and ecexutive director Martyna Skisaker. CONGRATULATIONS!
Last but not least celebrated the possibility to meet again and gather during the networking.