🗓️May 14, 09.00
đź“ŤSorainen Office, Gedimino pr 44 a.
09:00-09:30 Welcome coffee, mingle
09:30-10:15 Presentations:
NRD CS & Novian – Practical tips to prepare for NIS2.
Why Europe needs NIS2 and why is it important?
Practical tips to prepare for NIS2
Speaker: Vytautas Kuliesius, Head of Information Security Audit Services at NRD Cyber Security
Baltic Amadeus – Which point is more critical: technical security vulnerabilities or non-compliance with regulations?
Does adherence to regulations always equate to bulletproof security?
It may seem effective in theory, but does it hold up in practical application?
Speaker: Roberta MatulÄ—naitÄ—, Penetration Tester
Sorainen – Explaining directors and officers insurance in the age of cybersecurity risks.
Cyber risks are evolving: the impact of cyber threats, from data breaches to ransomware attacks, on directors
and officers. Comprehensive risk mitigation tool is essential: the benefits for directors and companies in robust insurance
protection against liability and legal expenses.
Speaker: IndrÄ— PelÄ—daitÄ—
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-12:00 Panel discussion on the IT security breach cases + QA, discussion moderator: Stasys Drazdauskas